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Re: Good as the enemy of OK

2005-01-17 14:00:53

"Douglas" == Douglas Otis <dotis(_at_)mail-abuse(_dot_)org> writes:

    >> Domain Keys permits an arbitrary number of keys per domain,
    >> anywhere from a single permanent key per domain to (probably
    >> needing a custom DNS server) a key per message.  My guess is
    >> that domains who have enough misbehaving users to need to
    >> cancel keys for individual users or messages have bigger
    >> problems than key revocation will solve, so I don't see that as
    >> an important criterion for a mailsig scheme.

    Douglas> The selector mechanism in DK could allow each user to
    Douglas> have an individual key, although done at this scale,
    Douglas> fingerprints look better.  
Why do fingerprints look better?

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