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Re: Feedback on DKIM draft (long)

2005-07-17 20:49:44

On July 17, 2005 at 17:51, Ned Freed wrote:

The T is kinda sorta useful as a visual aid in breaking the field up. Aside
from that it is pretty much a wasted byte.

I agree.

I am not convinced (yet) that signing must be done at the border MTA.

Perhaps not at a border MTA, but definitely by some MTA. Getting MUAs to
update is very difficult.

I think updating is a non-issue.  Initially, signing will mostly
be performed by MTAs, but as MUAs incorporate support, they should
be able to do it.  I think it may be useful that MUAs can verify
signatures someday.

A reason MUA support will help is when it comes to private key
management and the ability for individuals to have control over
the private key used for signing versus relying on an ISP.  The
ISP may serve as the public key publisher, but does not have to
deal with private keys.


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