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RE: DKIM: c=simple is aspirational

2005-07-21 12:44:25

From: Hector Santos [mailto:hsantos(_at_)santronics(_dot_)com] 


You could always proposed an extended DKIM implementation 
that supports a A/R protocol.

I have, the publisher of a key record MAY at their option indicate the
accreditation(s) they have received.

If I read you correctly, I could agree that it needs to be 
open-ended interface.  But I don't agree it has to be 
dependent on any existing A/R concept. 

The interface mechanism should be open ended and allow for new A/R
concepts to be added.

This is actually the easy part, the new A/R protocol draft just has a
hook for requesting the necessary IANA assignment.

The only case that is hard is defining the linkage to existing
protocols. XKMS is already a standard, while it is clear that proposing
q=xkms means anything other than that the key can be obtained from an
XKMS server would be idiotic the tag assignment could be for xkms2,
xkms2_0 or something else.

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