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RE: Proposed Sieve extensions

1998-11-13 12:51:27
At 12:04 PM -0500 11/13/98, Gregory Sereda wrote:

Overall, these issues don't concern me much.  I really doubt that we
are going to have millions of internet users writing Sieve scripts.
I expect most services will have a easy point and click interface
to create the filter rules, hiding Sieve details.

I also expect that most sieve scripts will be created with a GUI. However, this brings up an interoperability question. Given the potential complexity of Sieve, I expect most GUIs to present a simplified form, with severe restrictions. (For example, we have been playing with an in-house GUI that is based on the existing Eudora filters interface. It allows users to create and edit a series of rules, each of which can only have only two conditions, and five actions. Anything else gets dumped into a raw edit box at the bottom, where power users can create and edit raw sieve.) The subset of Sieve which can be handled by one GUI is likely not to match the subset handled by another.

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