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Re: is it allowed to discuss client side filtering here?

2003-03-19 20:34:46

Checkout GNU mailutils.

It has a sieve engine, and that engine will sieve mailboxes, and you can
specify the mailboxes as:



Quoteing tjs(_at_)mirapoint(_dot_)com, on Wed, Mar 19, 2003 at 06:43:06PM -0800:

I'd love to give my software a SIEVE grammar front-end,
but I somehow fear the effort.


Does somebody want to discuss this?

I know there would be interest in client-side Sieve filtering, but I 
don't know anyone who has really worked on it.

Personally I'd love if there was a Sieve implementation that had an 
externally procmail-like interface, and mailbox names could be file names.
