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Editorial editheader comment

2003-05-03 11:48:49

Quoting the document:

| 3. Action addheader
|    Syntax:
|       "addheader" <name: string> <value: string>
|    The addheader action appends a header field to the existing
|    message header.
|    The header field MUST be added at the end of the existing
|    header.

It isn't clear if a Sieve statement

   addheader "To" "foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com";

invoked on a message that have a header

To: baz(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
To: apa(_at_)baz(_dot_)com

will result in:

1) A message header that looks like:

To: baz(_at_)foo(_dot_)com foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com
To: apa(_at_)baz(_dot_)com

2) A message header that looks like: (somewhat unrealistic interpretation)

To: baz(_at_)foo(_dot_)com, foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com
To: apa(_at_)baz(_dot_)com

3) A message header that looks like:

To: baz(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
To: foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com
To: apa(_at_)baz(_dot_)com

4) A message header that looks like:

To: baz(_at_)foo(_dot_)com
To: apa(_at_)baz(_dot_)com
To: foo(_at_)bar(_dot_)com

Honestly I'm not sure what is intended, otherwise I would have
provided clarified text.

I suspect 4 may be what was intended, but I'm not sure it is the best

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