On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 09:53 -0700, Ned Freed wrote:
The default subject is "Re: " followed by the subject with stripped
"Re: " strings. Is the latter to be taken literally, as "Re: " or
does it mean "[rR][eE]:*" (case insensitive with zero or more spaces
RFC 2822 limits this to the literal string "Re: " and suggests that no other
forms be used. IMO this is the right course; any other course opens cans of
worms best left unopened.
Keith Moore's draft suggests "Auto: "?
in our vacation feature, we use
Subject: Auto: I'm away from my mail (was: SUBJECT )
"(was: ...)" is one of those small things which should've been
standardised. Gnus will ask the user if the "(was: ...)" should be
removed from Subject when replying.
Kjetil T.
Interesting. I had forgotten about that. I personally have a slight
preference for "Auto: ", but since this is only a MAY in Keith's draft,
I could live with either.
What do other people think?