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Re: draft-elvey-refuse-sieve-02.txt;

2004-12-01 08:47:38

In order to move forward since the discussion of this draft at the last BOF:

I would like to gauge interest. Which SIEVE
implementations/implementors 'intend' to write code to support some
IETF-blessed extension in order to provide a "Reject before delivery
capability" (e.g. draft-elvey-refuse-sieve or a derivative)?

We certainly plan to support whatever is standardized.

Currently, no implementations have this ability.

Actuaally, ours already does, abeit through the use of nonstandard actions. I
have to say I find this capability to be quite valuable in practice.

Please indicate your interest! (e.g. Edit the wiki page mentioned below (put
an "i" in the right place) or reply to me and I'll make the edit for you.)

I note in passing that the page you cite doesn't have columns for either the
PMDF or the Sun sieve implementations. I certainly can provide information
about what Sun does or does not implement.


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