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Re: Working Group Last Call: draft-ietf-sieve-3028bis-04.txt (Sieve base)

2005-08-01 08:17:42

Alexey Melnikov wrote:

I would like to draw your attention to the following draft:


A two week working group last call of this document starts today, 19th July 2005 and ends on 2nd August 2005 at 6 pm EST.

I would like to remind people that the WGLC is ending tomorrow.

I need more positive acknowledgments that people have read the draft and found no problems. Thanks!

Please review this document and send issues to the list or direct to the author(s).

NB If you do review this document, but have no issues or comments, please send both co-chairs (or the list) an email to indicate you have looked at it. This will allow the chairs to gauge the scope of reviews of this document to aid in our determination on whether to send it to the IESG. Thanks.

Alexey Melnikov
SIEVE WG Co-chair

Alexey Melnikov
Isode M-Box Message Store developer

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  • Re: Working Group Last Call: draft-ietf-sieve-3028bis-04.txt (Sieve base), Alexey Melnikov <=