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Re: draft-ietf-sieve-3028bis-09

2006-12-06 14:29:29

On Wed, Dec 6, 2006, "Mark E. Mallett" <mem(_at_)mv(_dot_)mv(_dot_)com> said:

4.2.     Action redirect

   Usage:   redirect <address: string>

   The "redirect" action is used to send the message to another user at
   a supplied address, as a mail forwarding feature does.  The
   "redirect" action makes no changes to the message body or existing
   headers, but it may add new headers.  The "redirect" modifies the
   envelope recipient.

a) 'The "redirect" action modifies' rather than 'The "redirect" modifies'.
(or remove the quotes, i.e. 'The redirect modifies'.)

b) I know what the writer meant, but I don't think it's clear.  The
action doesn't really modify the envelope recipient.  i.e., a subsequent
test of 'envelope "to"' should still show the original envelope
recipient.  The text says to me that it won't.  I think what's meant is
that a new message is created which has a new envelope recipient.

I thought a couple of clarifying sentences were added. I've copied the
fully section from 3028bis-09 here:

4.2.     Action redirect

   Usage:   redirect <address: string>

   The "redirect" action is used to send the message to another user at
   a supplied address, as a mail forwarding feature does.  The
   "redirect" action makes no changes to the message body or existing
   headers, but it may add new headers.  The "redirect" modifies the
   envelope recipient.

   The redirect command performs an MTA-style "forward"--that is, what
   you get from a .forward file using sendmail under UNIX.  The address
   on the [SMTP] envelope is replaced with the one on the redirect
   command and the message is sent back out.  (This is not an MUA-style
   forward, which creates a new message with a different sender and
   message ID, wrapping the old message in a new one.)

I still think the casual reference to sendmail should be removed, and a 
more explicit explanation of what it means to forward mail should be given. 
I believe it was Ned who replied to me a while ago that there isn't really 
a "Best Practices of MTA Forwarding" document in existence. Casually 
referencing what is becoming increasingly archaic unix software behavior 
isn't exactly referencing best practices IMHO.

   The envelope sender address on the outgoing message is chosen by the
   sieve implementation.  It MAY be copied from the original message.

Didn't we add a few sentences here, per comment above?

   A simple script can be used for redirecting all mail:

   Example:  redirect "bart(_at_)example(_dot_)edu";

   Implementations SHOULD take measures to implement loop control,
   possibly including adding headers to the message or counting received
   headers.  If an implementation detects a loop, it causes an error.


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