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vacation 5.4 From:

2007-03-07 05:59:48

draft-ietf-sieve-vacation-07 sais:

* 5.4. From
*   Unless explicitly overridden with a :from parameter, the From field
*   SHOULD be set to the address of the owner of the Sieve script.

I would suggest here another approach: the From is by default the
(first) address, where the mail was sent. E.g. mails to
root(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, mail(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, and 
dilyan(_dot_)palauzov(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org go all
to the same mailbox, have the same sieve script (not on a duplica of
the script, but opearate on the same script). However when one writes
a mail To: you, her, CC: mail(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, then the autoreply shall be
Fron: mail(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org (instead From: 
Your-unknown-uncle(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org). In
a similar way, when one writes To: him, them, CC: root(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, the
autoreply shall come From: root(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, even if the same script is

I suggest we use in 5.4 From something like

*   Unless explicitly overridden with a :from parameter, the From field
*   SHOULD be set to the address of recipient's first mentioned address,
*   whose Sieve script is executes.

Moreover, it shall be stated, that the script is executed once per
incoming mail and mailbox (if it is not clear from somewhereelse): if
a mail is To: mail(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org, root(_at_)aegee(_dot_)org , then there 
shall be one
autoreply generatated, not two (as this is the same mailbox). But I
have no idea how the user will be informed about both addresses.


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