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notify from: / Re: Minutes from the Prague IETF meeting

2007-04-25 05:59:33


  In the minutes is mentioned "Sendmail implementation". Is there any?

Below is the extract from the minutes that talks about the notify from: issue. I do not see a reason to have different logic when sending a notification to the recipient, and when sending an out-of-office message to the sender. Namely:
  - if from: is applied, use its value
- if a mail is send (envelopely) to the address mm(_at_)example(_dot_)com, use this as notify from:
  - mailbox name and message headers do not count
- if a mail is sent (in the same envelope) to the same maibox (and therefore user), mentioning more than one of her/his addresses in the envelope, then which of them to use in the notify? e.g.
  Mail from: peter
  Rcpt to: postmaster(_at_)example(_dot_)com
  Rcpt to: webmaster(_at_)example(_dot_)com

and postmaster and webmaster are the same mailbox.

  Well, I don't know if in this case one or two notifications shall be send.

And I don't want if in similar case an autoresponder shall answer, if he has to send one or two vacation messages.

  Със здраве,

3. Message origin: does the notification message come from the original
"RCPT TO", or from the notification system?

Alexey pointed out a suggestion to make it an option.
Pete asked what the From is for and whether we were going to reply to
these messages.

Philip: if the notification system can autoprocess bounces, then it
belongs in the envelope MAIL FROM
Maybe always is better, to block the loop possibility.

Dave Cridland: not clear why worry about "from" for notifications: are
they to send msgs *to* a user, not necessarily be *from* anyone in particular.

Philip/Pete: The important 'from' here is the envelope from. IMHO, the
env-from should *never* be the original.

No clear consensus on this issue in the room.

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