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Re: [Fwd: DISCUSS: draft-ietf-sieve-notify-mailto]

2008-12-02 12:15:25

Michael Haardt writes:
> The problem does exist already, but so far answering solved it,
> because the messages were sent by mistake and people don't like
> violating their privacy by mistake.

Yeah... do we have a reasonable probability that someone responsible can
be reached by answering the notification, though?

That's exactly the problem. The case where notify mailto:, redirect, or
whatever is used by an individual user in their Sieve script attached to their
primary email account doesn't concern me. The case that's a problem is where it
is some automated service of some sort, some kind of  folder-attached script
created as part of some LEMONADE setup, an autoforwarder setup, etc. Most of
these thngs can and usually do have addresses associated with then for
reporting problems, but they tend to be monitored sporadically if at all. And
there can be some, like a folder script, where the person responsible may not
be able to easily figure out where the problem is to correct it.

We do for mailto and I think we do for XMPP, but Cullen mentioned SMS,
and I'm not at all sure about SMS.

IMO notify sms: is out of scope. But a lot of SMS goes out using email
as an intermediary. That case is arguably in scope, although I suspect
that the gateway effects will be  impossible to overcome.
