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Re: ManageSIEVE review: conflating two functions

2008-12-15 23:09:45

--On Monday, December 15, 2008 11:44:19 AM -0800 Lisa Dusseault <ldusseault(_at_)commerce(_dot_)net> wrote:

Anonymous mode:

    Implementations MAY advertise the ANONYMOUS SASL mechanism
    [SASL-ANON].  This indicates that the server supports ANONYMOUS SIEVE
    script syntax verification.  Only the CAPABILITY, PUTSCRIPT and
    LOGOUT commands are available to the anonymous user.  All other
    commands defined in the base ManageSieve protocol MUST give NO
    responses, however ManageSieve extensions MAY allow other commands in
    the ANONYMOUS Sieve script verification mode.  Furthermore the
    PUTSCRIPT command MUST NOT persistently store any data.  In this mode
    a positive response to the PUTSCRIPT command indicates that the given
    script does not have any syntax errors.

This conflates two things (which is generally bad for extensibility):
anonymous authentication, with script syntax verification.  It would be
better not to conflate these things...

Uh, wow.  That's.... special.
Yeah, let's not do that.

-- Jeff

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