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Re: [sieve] WGLC: draft-ietf-sieve-imap-sieve-04.txt

2012-07-14 18:29:47
On 7/14/2012 10:11 PM, Barry Leiba wrote:
*) In Section 2.1, the syntax of the new IMAP capability is described. It
includes a sieveurl-server syntax item. Although I expect anyone on this
list to know what it is for, I think it would be good to mention explicitly
that it points to the ManageSieve server the client needs to  contact for
managing Sieve scripts.
I have added a new sentence to the end of this paragraph:

    Only one "imapsieve" capability string, specifying one sieveurl-
    server, can be present.  The sieveurl-server identifies the
    ManageSieve server that clients need to contact for managing Sieve
    scripts associated with this IMAP server.


*) I wonder what happens if the fileinto action points to the mailbox the
message currently resides in (call it the 'source mailbox'). Does it match
'keep' behavior in that special case, or will it just create a copy of the
message in the source mailbox (potentially dropping the original)? Current
text suggests the latter and that is also what I prefer: I'd like to be able
to create a new version of the message in the same mailbox. I think it would
be good to mention this special situation explicitly either way.
I have added a new sentence to the end of this paragraph:

    For APPEND, MULTIAPPEND, and COPY, the message is stored into the
    fileinto mailbox IN ADDITION TO the original target mailbox.  For
    flag changes, the message is COPIED into the fileinto mailbox,
    without removing the original.  In all cases, fileinto always creates
    a new message, separate from the original.




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