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[sieve] Sieve :regex

2017-04-11 15:57:30

I've been spending a bit of time back in the Cyrus IMAP Sieve code and I'm thinking about resurrecting the Sieve :regex draft (just in time for Easter ;) in an effort to get it standardized. I actually don't recall why this draft died in the Sieve WG -- it may be that Ned and I just didn't have the time to work on it, or there may have been issues that we didn't want to deal with and/or for which the WG didn't have solutions.

Does anyone have any (new) outstanding issues or answers to those already listed in draft-ietf-sieve-regex-01 <> ?

Who has implemented some form of :regex (with or without variables integration)?

If I resubmit this as an individual, should I name it draft-murchison-sieve-regex-09 or start fresh with something like draft-murchison-sieve-regex-bis-00 ?

Kenneth Murchison
Principal Systems Software Engineer
Carnegie Mellon University

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