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RE: [Asrg] Devilish: Forget about DNS

2004-02-09 10:14:01

there has been a lot of discussion about how to cope with the 
limitations of stone age service DNS. 

DNS is difficult to extend for new record types, which makes 
it expensive to introduce a new record type like RMX RR.

It is also deployed and it works.

The problems with the extension mechanism are in my view dealt with by the
_protocol mechanism introduced in SRV and used in NAPTR as well as many of
the proposals on the table.

And - last not least - we are struggling with the packet size
limitations and the dualism of UDP and TCP.

The proposal to introduce XML into SPF makes a lot of sense if you expect
the DNS itself to be replaced at some point in the near future with
something XML based. 

I would not recommend going to HTTP or TCP here, I would look at using
something like DIME over UDP with a lightweight session layer - TCP is not
designed well for transactions of one to four packets.

Then we get into the usual issues, this has been proposed so often in the
past that there are strong immune responses tuned to reject anything like it
on sight in the IETF.

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