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RE: Soundings ? RE: Semantics and Syntax

2004-05-06 07:37:38

   To make it worse, most folks who _do_ comment either confuse the
semantics of the various "identities" or appear to believe there _is_
no difference.

I see things a bit differently.

  1) We have the semantics of the MARID record.
  2) We have the guidelines for interpretation of the MARID record.

  3) We have the internet goop that messages have to wade through to
       reach their destination.

In my view (1) is simply a statement of what the edge servers are.

(2) is a consequence of (1) + (3)

We can DEFINE (1), we can DESCRIBE and to a very limited extent hope
to REFORM (3).

I do not see the identities question as being any part of (1). If you
state where the edge servers are the effect on identities is a 
consequence of (3).

It is pretty easy to define (1) in a formal sense as Bob and myself
have been doing. (3) is somewhat tricky, but if it could be done
we could arrive at a proof of whether (2) was correct or incorrect.


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