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Re: Using MX as the pointer to the other RR

2004-06-04 09:52:23
The general issue is who updates the MARID record, and how does the domain
owner appoint and then delegate to that organization.  The current
maintainer of the DNS records is likely to be whoever is providing the web
site hosting, which in many cases is not the organization that is providing
all of (or any of) the mail services.  A significant number of businesses,
if not the majority. both large and small, send mail through multiple
outbound channels. At a minimum the email marketing and the corporate person
to person mail are very likely to go out through separate channels.

It's not immediately obvious to me that it is always any one of the many
organizations involved in managing a mail domain that should own the MARID
record. There number of different types of business relationships involved
in mail sending, and some of them are fairly complex. The variety and
complexity here greatly exceeds that of the mail sending infrastructure;
publishing MARID records may be fairly straightforward, but figuring out
what to publish is not.

To me the obvious way to solve this problem is with indirection; the marid
record for a domain can point off someplace else, for example to . This lets an organization appoint an
administrator of their choice, without tying that do any of their other mail
provider decisions. I also think indirection takes care of the outblaze
issue (Suresh please correct me if I'm wrong here), as the domains that use
only outblaze can simply indirect to an outblaze marid record.
