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Re: Using MX as the pointer to the other RR

2004-06-05 19:36:56

Phill writes:
I think this could be a very good idea. Any proposal that helps align
dns marid record and email administration boundaries should be
seriously considered.

But using the MX doesn't align the boundaries.  MX records are for
inbound mail, while MARID is for outbound mail, and as many people
have pointed out, there many situations where inbound and outbound
mail don't match up.

If the MARID record is hung off the MX, that means that all domains
that have the same MX have the same MARID.  That's way, way, too
simplistic.  Since the MX is a name rather than an IP, you can set up
multiple names for the same MX hosts that have the same A record but
different MARID revords, but that seems just as complicated as
whatever we thought we were solving.

Margaret Olsen writes:
To me the obvious way to solve this problem is with indirection; the
marid record for a domain can point off someplace else, ...

Well, sure.  That's what CNAMEs are for.  Tell all your customers to
add a line like this to their DNS if you send their mail:

_marid CNAME

John Levine, johnl(_at_)taugh(_dot_)com, Taughannock Networks, Trumansburg NY

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