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RE: Alternative to TXT or new RR was: Comments on draft-ietf-marid-core-01 xml use

2004-06-11 12:09:18

william(at) wrote:
[..] I was joking because while this may seem like a way out,
in no way do I think it should be done or that it'll ever fly
by IETF top guys. We should never attempt to completely take
over somebody else record, that is a very bad precident for IETF. 

Then, which one out of the three alternatives I posted yesterday would
you recommend (or add your own)?

1. We do it quick and dirty with TXT.
2. We do it right and slow with a new RR type.
3. We say that we'll go with 1 as a temporary
   measure and with 2 in the long run.


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