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Why should I link a library thats larger than my ENTIRE MTA?

2004-06-14 15:52:53
Hello everyone.  Greetings and salutations to you all.

Since we are on the fine topic of XML, I would like to throw in my two
bits if you please.

Rather than quibbling about whether XML belongs in DNS or not, I would
like to raise a more important question.  Since I've found illustrations
to be useful in helping others to understand things, and I myself
personally benefit from them I would like to use one here, a visual one.


[james(_at_)lore] / $ du -sh /var/qmail/bin
1010K   /var/qmail/bin

[james(_at_)lore] / $ ls -lah /usr/lib | grep
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  65K Jun 14 15:40

Smashing!  1010K in qmail binaries, to be fair my binaries already
include my Qmail-SPF patch, as well as various other patches to bring it
in line with all the "hacks" made to SMTP and POP3 etc.. over the years.

[james(_at_)lore] / $ ls -lah /usr/lib | grep libxml2.a
-rwxr-xr-x    1 root root  1.3M Jun  4 18:42

Lets pretend we're talking about money instead of bytes

Qmail ... $ 1,010     Qmail ... $ 1,010
libSPF .. $    65     libXML2 . $ 1,300
                      spfid?!     ?????
            -----                 -----
Total ... $ 1,075     Total ... $ 2,300

---- END VISUAL AID ----

Now can anyone see whats wrong with this picture, because *I* for one
certainly can.  So I am supposed to link a 1.3M library against my MTA,
___JUST___ to validate senders?  Can someone please explain this to me? 
I would ask why XML is even being considered but I'm not out looking to
start a flame, I simply would like to illustrate to everyone here that
there are some very deeply wrong things with XML, completely outside the
realm of publishing XML within DNS.

If this is not the appropriate time to be raising this point then I
apologize and please continue with the current discussion and I shall
attempt to resume this at another date and time.

Thank you all for reading.



James Couzens,
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