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Re: Why should I link a library thats larger than my ENTIRE MTA?

2004-06-14 18:21:11
On Mon, 2004-06-14 at 16:50, Aredridel wrote:
Now can anyone see whats wrong with this picture, because *I* for one
certainly can.  So I am supposed to link a 1.3M library against my MTA,
___JUST___ to validate senders?  Can someone please explain this to me? 
I would ask why XML is even being considered but I'm not out looking to
start a flame, I simply would like to illustrate to everyone here that
there are some very deeply wrong things with XML, completely outside the
realm of publishing XML within DNS.

May I suggest a much more appropriate tool for the job? Expat, the XML
parser from James Clark, is a far smaller and simpler library. libxml is
a good general tool for dealing with large, complex XML related tasks.
For a simple record parser, expat is a much more natural interface.

A visual aid:

-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 125K Jan 19 10:23 /usr/lib/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 475K Mar 11 03:28 /usr/lib/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 957K Apr 19 04:41 /usr/lib/

So if your libraries are a bit larger than mine (debugging symbols,
likely), you're talking more like 200K. I think that's reasonable. If
not, in the tradition of qmail, a little patch doing just the neccesary
parsing and nothing more is likely to be quite a bit tighter. I think
the 20K tossed around earlier is quite likely to be accurate to well
less than an order of magnitude.  You won't get the ease of
extensibility, but I think that's a fair compromise.


I do not believe it is appropriate to just write a small patch and
implement "just the necessary parsing", just as you can not do this with
SPF, you either implement all of it, or you don't bother at all.  This
can't be a hack-job.  You know as well as I do what all the click monkey
super admins are going to try to do with this, the next thing you know
you won't be able to parse anything.  And what if I don't want to loose
my precious extensibility?  (Rumour has it the SPF query language is
extensible btw).  

My point remains even with James Clarks's libexpat (mine is 175K
stripped btw) why should I have to link this hulking library, PLUS
another library which then has to interpret the XML?  I bet its very
feasible to get my SPF parser down to much less than 65K (which btw
includes its own DNS parsing as well).

XML just does not make any sense.  Its going to cause problems in DNS,
even the smallest library is still massive comparative to my SPF
parser.  All of this bloat for what?  

SPFv1 is extensible
SPFv1 fits in DNS
SPFv1 parser is only 65K (and could EASILY be smaller)
SPFv1 wasn't developed by a corporation and thus its motives are void of
dollar signs

Hrm, thats odd, SPFv1 does absolutely everything we need, without any of
the problems we don't.  XML has everyone's knickers in a knot and its
just a really really bad idea.  I thought we were trying to fix problems
here, not create more.  All I see is feature creep.

Furthermore, I would like to ask just what is with everyone and
"extensibility" here?  I thought we were trying to fix a problem?  Since
when does stopping forgery need to be extensible?  Why can't we just fix
this problem right the first time?  Seems to me this entire thing
reminds me of something.. can't quite put a finger on it... something
about releasing software with the mindset that should there have been
any oversight it can just be patched later?  ..something update..

If we are going to have to involve things other than originally aspired
to by the SPFv1 DRAFT (which coincidentally seems to be missing from the
table...) we ought to be doing so keeping the KISS principle in mind. 
Saying that we need to use XML because in 2020 something different might
need to be done is like saying I should go buy a Greyhound bus because I
might have some children in the future.

As was clearly iterated by Gordon Fecyk:

Both XML and Unicode are convenient choices for authors whose
employers use those technologies natively in their implementations. 
These are not as convenient for anyone else.  I think we don't need to
concern ourselves with making life convenient just for one vendor. 
And even with that, there are other vendors who develop e-mail for the
same vendor's platform that would not benefit from the same

What SPFv1 has proposed is suitable for ALL operating systems, and can
easily be implemented likely in any modern language, and there already
exist parsers many of which are cross platform, and there are patches
against all of the major MTA's including Exchange (albeit you'll have to
pay for this plugin).



James Couzens,
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