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RE: Improving SUBMITTER - Persisent User Address/Account (PUA)

2004-07-15 14:56:22

On Friday, July 09, 2004 6:58 PM, Hector Santos wrote:

Maybe I didn't quite see if this is "implied" in SUBMITTER 
proposal.  If not, then the following may add some strength 
to the proposal.

o Suggestion to improve SUBMITTER proposal:  Persistent User 
Account (PUA)



A SUBMITTER compliant server *MUST*  use the ISP user 
account's persistent user address (PUA) for the SUBMITTER 
address when the return path is not part of the ISP domain.

In principal, I think this is a good idea, and in fact the spec already
provides an example (5.3 - Mobile User) which illustrates how this could
be done.  I will add some wording to this example to the effect that
ISPs may want to do this generally whenever the MAIL FROM is not an
account on their network.

The -02 revision actually makes SUBMITTER mandatory whenever the PRA
differs from MAIL FROM (in -01, it's a SHOULD).  I think that covers
part of the requirement you've stated above.  Beyond that, I do not want
to prescribe _which_ account the ISP should use in SUBMITTER.  That's a
matter for ISP policy.   
