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RE: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-marid-submitter-02.txt

2004-07-22 01:51:31

"Terje" == Terje Petersen <terje(_at_)excelan(_dot_)com(_dot_)au> writes:

    Terje>    When a SUBMITTER parameter is provided then receiving
    Terje> MUAs SHOULD display the SUBMITTER parameter as the sender
    Terje> of the email instead of the original FROM address in the
    Terje> RFS 2822 headers; otherwise an attacker can trivially
    Terje> defeat the algorithm by providing a different SUBMITTER and
    Terje>    FROM address.

But SUBMITTER is a parameter to an SMTP command.  How would the MUA
get to see it?
