If, however, the MARID proposals proceed, I understand that
the SMTP protocal
will have to be enhanced (to support SUBMITTER), so the
change I have in mind
could be added at the same time.
Stop-press: - Meng has just (Sat, 31 Jul 2004 11:51:46 -0400)
posted the same
solution as I was about to propose: a pseudo-random ECHO.
I suggest that we work on the MARID problem and raise the issue
in SAAG as a knock on effect.
I have absolutely no problem causing security problems in other
parts of the Internet to become visible. We have to start somewhere
and if not in this forum the work will take place somewhere else.
MARID also has implications for BGP routing security, DNS security
as well as IP level security. This is stuff that has to be fixed