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Re: record size and wild cards, was change of version string

2004-08-11 07:46:18

John Levine <johnl(_at_)iecc(_dot_)com> writes:
The problem with _marid subdomains is that they break wildcards, since
DNS wildcards don't permit _marid.*  Some of us have per-user
subdomains implemented with wildcards, and there's no good workaround.
We could publish the TXT records for * and let the clients
throw out the ones they don't understand, but then we're back to
stuffing all the TXT records into the same packet.

  Forgive me since this is undoubtedly in the copious
  archives, but what is the scenario here that breaks?
  If I had a user subdomain off of the main domain like:

  couldn't I just publish a record like:

  ? Or is the problem that you'd need to enumerate each of
  your users? Or am I completely in the weeds here? And do
  you have any sense of how many sites would be impacted
  (ie, are we in 80/20 rule territory here)?
Michael Thomas  (mike(_at_)mtcc(_dot_)com

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