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Re: RFC 3929 on Alternative Decision Making Processes for Consens us-Blocked Decisions in the IETF (fwd)

2004-10-28 14:41:43

 "Hallam-Baker, Phillip" <pbaker(_at_)verisign(_dot_)com> writes:

MARID specific comment:
What happened here doesn't seem to be a failure, but rather was a 
success in the following sense: There was not sufficient maturity in the 
proposals for a rough consensus to be reached that the proposals were 
adequate to meet the bare minimum of goals that they needed to meet.  

I disagree. SenderID/SPF is currently in deployment and is working just 
fine in production. Maturity was not the problem. 

SPF-classic is currently widely deployed.  SenderID, and the new
SPF-classic, however, are not deployed.  What little information about
the performance of SenderID indicates that it is probably not as
reliable as old SPF-classic.

Maturity certainly was a problem.  

I think that there was a mismatch of expectations between people who
thought that the purpose of the group was to agree on a refinement of
an existing specification that had already achieved a very large degree
of industry buy in and those who thought that it was an open forum to
propose their alternative idea.

I have never been in a standards group of the second type that has
succeeded. In every case that a group has suceeded the starting point
has been a specification that was already largely complete.

That is exactly what MARID did.  We tried to create SenderID.  Things
only moved forward in fits and starts when SenderID moved closer to


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