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Re: Appeal: Publication of draft-lyon-senderid-core-01 in conflict with referenced draft-schlitt-spf-classic-02

2005-08-25 11:11:47
On Thu, 2005-08-25 at 13:14, Harald Tveit Alvestrand wrote:
are you of the opinion that the IESG should try to police which experiments 
get run on the Internet by refusing to publish RFCs documenting 
possibly-conflicting experments?

It depends on the form of the conflict.

I believe that the IESG has the duty to ensure that concurrent
experiments either use experimental codepoints in non-conflicting ways,
or else require them to use distinct codepoints; to fail to do this
creates the risk that any experimental results will be

In this case, the two experiments interpret the same codepoints in the
DNS in subtly different ways.

A mail-sending domain indicates that it is participating by publishing
certain DNS RR's.
Crucially, a mail-sending domain cannot opt in to the SPF experiment
without also opting in to the senderid experiment.  This renders any
claimed results of either experiment suspect.

                                                        - Bill

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