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Re: Comments on draft - Long.

1997-12-04 12:55:06
"William H. Geiger III" <whgiii(_at_)invweb(_dot_)net> writes:
In <88118582801112(_at_)cs26(_dot_)cs(_dot_)auckland(_dot_)ac(_dot_)nz>, on 
  at 10:50 AM, pgut001(_at_)cs(_dot_)auckland(_dot_)ac(_dot_)nz (Peter 
Gutmann) said:
DSS/DSA is only specified for key lengths between 512 and 1024, but OpenPGP 
should be free to do longer keys, even though the standard doesn't actually 
support them.
There's no point in moving to p > 1K bits if q is only 160 bits because
it'll  be vulnerable to a small-exponent attack.  Since q is governed by
the hash  function associated with DSA, you then need to define a new
hash function with  a larger output block size, and suddenly things get
very messy.  At the moment  I don't think it's sensible to use keys > 1K
bits, all it'll do is lead to  confusion about the amount of security
I am not that well versed on DSA but what is involved in increasing p if a 
corresponding q can be supplied? 

Will a p of 2048 work with a corresponding q of 320?
Here's a table of p vs q (generated by Colin Plumb).
/* Once the DSA p goes above 1024 bits, we need to increase q correspondingly
   to provide equivalent security from small-exponent attacks.  The following
   information for doing this was provided by Colin Plumb.
   This is based on a paper by Michael Wiener on    | The function defined
   the difficulty of the two attacks, which has     | below (not part of the
   the following table:                             | original paper)
                                                    | produces the following
     Table 1: Subgroup Sizes to Match Field Sizes   | results:
    Size of p       Cost of each attack          Size of q       
     (bits)         (instructions or              (bits)          
                     modular multiplies)                            

       512              9 x 10^17                   119                     
       768              6 x 10^21                   145                     
      1024              7 x 10^24                   165                     
      1280              3 x 10^27                   183                     
      1536              7 x 10^29                   198                     
      1792              9 x 10^31                   212                     
      2048              8 x 10^33                   225                     
      2304              5 x 10^35                   237                     
      2560              3 x 10^37                   249                     
      2816              1 x 10^39                   259                     
      3072              3 x 10^40                   269                     
      3328              8 x 10^41                   279                     
      3584              2 x 10^43                   288                     
      3840              4 x 10^44                   296                     
      4096              7 x 10^45                   305                     
      4352              1 x 10^47                   313                     
      4608              2 x 10^48                   320                     
      4864              2 x 10^49                   328                     
      5120              3 x 10^50                   335 */ 
As you can see, you'd need a hash of >300 bits for keys of up to 4096 bits, so 
in theory you could use some double-width variant of SHA for keys > 1K bits.  
I remember someone from PGP Inc asking about wide hashes about a year ago on 
some mailing list, so it looks like PGP Inc have already considered (and 
rejected) something like this in the past.

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