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Test Suite - and S2K Detail missing from the spec

1998-03-30 09:30:06
I programmed up a script to encrypt/sign one of my README files with all
possible combinations of algorithms I support.

I included ElGamal signatures and the .tgz file is just over 1Mb, so I
don't know of anyone else would want to try.

I did have problems with conventional encryption with pgpv if the ESK used
3DES, but IDEA and CAST worked.  Also if you just use the salted S2K
value, pgpv ignores the cipher type byte in the ESK (only using the one in
the key).  pgpv also removes the trailing linefeed of the S2K only.  It
kept asking for a passphrase for S2K-only-3DES.

Which leads me to the lacuna in the S2K description:

Initially, one or more hash contexts are set up as with the other S2K
algorithms, depending on how many octets of key data are needed.

MD5 yields 16 bytes, SHA1 yields 20 bytes, DES needs 24.  How do I
generate the extra material needed by longer algorithms?

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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