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Re: PGP PKI? (Was: The case against ElGamal signatures in PGP)

1998-06-02 19:20:52
At 5:21 PM -0700 6/2/98, William H. Geiger III said:

   I was unable to make the LA meeting and this is the first I have heard
   anything about a PGP PKI.

   Who is working on this? What information is available on this, who is
   working on this, how far along has design gone and why hasn't this been
   brought up on this list before now? IMHO if a PKI is being desinged then
   this MUST be disscused on the list (or a seperate list) now not 6mo. from
   now after a draft has been presented.

I think Phil was speaking metaphorically. There is no OpenPGP PKI as part
of this working group.


Jon Callas                                  jon(_at_)pgp(_dot_)com
CTO, Total Network Security                 3965 Freedom Circle
Network Associates, Inc.                    Santa Clara, CA 95054
(408) 346-5860
Fingerprints: D1EC 3C51 FCB1 67F8 4345 4A04 7DF9 C2E6 F129 27A9 (DSS)
              665B 797F 37D1 C240 53AC 6D87 3A60 4628           (RSA)