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Re: Armor Headers in 04

1998-06-10 15:28:18
On Wed, 10 Jun 1998, Jon Callas wrote:

At 10:03 AM 6/5/98 GMT, Lutz Donnerhacke wrote:
      Currently defined Armor Header Keys are:
        - "Version", that states the OpenPGP Version used to encode the
        - "Comment", a user-defined comment.
        - "MessageID", a 32-character string of printable
   Do I miss "Hash" and "Charset"?
I added in "Hash". Should I add in Charset? OpenPGP defines the charset to
be UTF-8. It's useful for a non-OpenPGP program to state what charset it
did use, but no one is required to honor it.

Is Hash: valid for anywhere other than Clearsigned messages?  Are any
other headers valid at the top of Clearsigned messages?

--- reply to tzeruch - at - ceddec - dot - com ---

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