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Re: stream ciphers (Re: 128 bit block ciphers)

1998-07-01 15:10:35

Uri writes:
This has a number of problems/added complexities I think:
- you have to remember a current offest to avoid re-using offsets
  (adds state to symmetric crypto where there is none currently)

Similarly to having to remember not to re-use IVs.

Ah, but you get "remembering" not to re-use IVs for free -- you just
use random ones, or for some block modes just non-repeating IVs.
Using random offsets is impractical due to the performance penalty of
spinning the PRNG by 2^(IV size).

For the keys to have a stream offset can mean the difference between
secure and insecure.
Another way to do things which avoids some of the problems with
offsets is to have a random, or at least non-repeating IV, which is
sent in the clear.  Then use the IV as part of the key.  eg.

rc4-key-shedule( iv || s2k( passphrase ) )

A possibility. Would need more time to evaluate it...

It has a sort of precedent, so must (one presumes!) have been looked
at in that the export versions of SSL cipher suites with RC4
(RC4-40-RSA-MD5) use the construct.  ie they construct a 128 bit RC4
from a 40 bit secret component and a public (sent in the clear) 88 bit
salt, via :

        128bit-key = md5( 88bit-salt || 40bit-key )

(there are some other padding rules, they actually generate two keys,
one for each direction and there are some other values concatenated.)


        rc4-key-schedule ( s2k( iv || passphrase ) ) 

would be better as it usees the hash in the s2k for mixing rather than
relying partly on rc4 key schedule (which the rc4-key-schedule( iv ||
s2k (passphrase) does ).

you can then recover sk1 xor sk2:

You might want to take a look at SEAL. It provides the offset VERY
elegantly. Unfortunately it's patented...

Ah, yes, I suspected you were thinking of SEAL in your earlier
comments on offsets :-) ... SEAL is more than a stream cipher, it is a
pseudo-random function family, so spinning to arbitrary points comes
for free with SEAL.  Very nice, agreed.  But that trick doesn't work
with RC4.
