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Re: Encrypting RFC822 headers in S/MIME or PGP/MIME messages

1998-09-17 18:47:14
On Sep 17,  5:20pm, John  W. Noerenberg wrote:
} Subject: Re: Encrypting RFC822 headers in S/MIME or PGP/MIME messages
} At 3:47 PM -0700 9/17/98, Ned Freed wrote:
} >Its clear that this indicator has to be on the "inside", since you want the
} >signature to be able to cover it. This then begs the question of whether
} >it should be an attribute of the signature/encryption facility or of the
} >MIME message/rfc822 content.
} Putting the indicator the header exposes information about the message -- 
} the decrypted contents of the message is supposed to replace the headers of 
} the message.  Keeping it inside doesn't reveal this.

I think you misunderstand, John.  I believe the suggested format is for
the outer message to specify an encrypted Content-Type, and then for the
encrypted content to be a message/rfc822 with a parameter specifying that
its headers should replace the enclosing message's headers only after the
inner message is successfully decrypted.

This hides the parameter (indeed, it hides the entire nested message/rfc822
structure) inside the ciphertext, but allows a sufficiently clever UA to
present the contained message in place of the top-level message.

Bart Schaefer                                 Brass Lantern Enterprises    

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