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Re: PGP 7.0 and PGP/MIME?

2001-02-14 05:34:02
On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Damon Gallaty <dgal(_at_)citicom(_dot_)com> wrote:

Before anyone asks, I'll answer the question: why don't all of NAI's PGP
plug-ins recognize PGP/MIME? The answer is that, in order to recognize
PGP/MIME, you must have access to the MIME headers, obviously.
Unfortunately, not all of the MUA's allow plug-ins to access the MIME
headers, thus there is no pratical way to parse or create PGP/MIME for
those MUA's. Outlook and Outlook Express are two examples of this.

I think it should be possible to make Outlook verify PGP/MIME signed
messages, which would be a start.

Because of the need to support S/MIME, I have been told that Outlook
holds the entire RFC822 message in its raw form as well as in
proprietary MAPI form. I believe that there is a MAPI tag to get the raw
multipart/signed data.

Ian Bell                                           T U R N P I K E

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