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Re: Attribute certificates

2001-07-18 04:48:49
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 08:17:57AM +0200, Werner Koch wrote:
2440bis has one.  Basically you append "@mydomain" to the name and
make sure that you have control over that domain. 

Well, I meant a little more with 'interoperability', namely, to enable
others to implement my notations and to implement notations specified
by others. Is there some means to exchange information necessary for

otherwise, thanks for the tips on how I can prevent stepping on other
software's toes :)

        Ingo Luetkebohle / ingo(_at_)blank(_dot_)pages(_dot_)de / 95428014
| Student of Computational Linguistics & Computer Science;
| Fargonauten.DE sysadmin; Gimp Registry maintainer;
| FP: 3187 4DEC 47E6 1B1E 6F4F  57D4 CD90 C164 34AD CE5B

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