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8bit text in Comment line (i18n)

2001-07-29 00:49:21

Some of the KDE people (Mark Mutz, Ingo Kloecker) noted:

that ascii-armor comment lines may contain non-7-bit text.
It is not clear whether this is a "SHOULD warn" situation.

I see no clause defining the charset of text in Armor Headers.
Should an armored block be constrained to use only 7-bit
mail-safe characters, or should it be stated that Armor
Headers may be in UTF-8, or native charset, or what?

Either user-defined text in Armor Headers MAY contain
non-7-bit characters, or SHOULD NOT, or MUST NOT.

If non-7-bit text is allowed, there ought to be a note in
2440/6.2 which warns that the use of an 8-bit charset
will make the 'armored' output non-mail-safe.