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Re: private key CFB

2003-11-17 12:03:47

On Mon, Nov 17, 2003 at 01:03:10PM -0500, Michael Young wrote:

I made a quick tweak to my implementation (to emit the raw session
so there's some chance I've goofed, but I got:

Isn't that too short for a 256-bit key?

I got BD3511280C74BC56D12E066DF12C5E22E1D9776B068F3A276017D59C39397794

Sadly, GnuPG (1.2.2)'s --show-session-key doesn't seem to work on
symmetrically encrypted packets, but it might be easy to tweak.

That's not what show-session-key is for.  It's for, well, showing
session keys ;)


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