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Re: Information and meta-information

2005-09-20 11:36:09

On Thu, Sep 08, 2005 at 01:31:25AM +0200, Daniel A. Nagy wrote:

On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 03:56:58PM -0700, Wim Lewis wrote:

The existing 'b', 't', etc. tags could then be defined as shorthands  
for particular MIME headers (content-type and charset).

I disagree, because these tags convey a slightly different (lower-level)
meaning than the mime headers. Also, the above suggestion would be a
security hazard, since the literal packet's tag is not hashed and can be
therefore altered in a signed message, without breaking the signature.
PGP/MIME headers, on the other hand, are included in the hashed material, so
they are part of the signed message.

I would suggest the following modification of RFC2440bis-14:

Do you mean removing the 't' and 'u' tags? Or supplementing them with  

Supplementing with 'm', of course. Removing 't' and 'b' tags (what's 'u'?)
would break almost everything.

't' = unspecified charset
'u' = utf-8 charset


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