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Re: OpenPGP keys and Suite-B

2008-05-04 09:47:07

On Sun, May 4, 2008 at 5:13 PM, David Shaw <dshaw(_at_)jabberwocky(_dot_)com> 

 On Sat, May 03, 2008 at 02:11:07PM -0700, Andrey Jivsov wrote:

 > ===================================================================
 >    C. Higher layers of application will govern compliance
 >       with Suite B. "ECC in OpenPGP" document will define
 >       reasonable superset of features required for Suite-B
 >       or similar government documents, but exact
 >       specification of the policies to use ECC in OpenPGP
 >       is out of scope.
 > ===================================================================

 I vote for C.  Keep the policies out of the standard and leave it up
 to the implementers.  I'm not against having policies specified, but
 I'd rather see them in a different document for use by those people
 who need them.  There is precedence here: OpenPGP specifies DSA and
 not DSS.


4880 13.6 starts with:

13.6.  DSA

   An implementation SHOULD NOT implement DSA keys of size less than
   1024 bits.  It MUST NOT implement a DSA key with a q size of less
   than 160 bits.  DSA keys MUST also be a multiple of 64 bits, and the
   q size MUST be a multiple of 8 bits.

and ends with:

  Note that earlier versions of this standard only allowed a 160-bit q
   with no truncation allowed, so earlier implementations may not be
   able to handle signatures with a different q size or a truncated

which I would say would be "on using DSA in OpenPGP." But then in
the middle of those two bits has all of this:

The Digital Signature Standard (DSS) [FIPS186] specifies that DSA be
used in one of the following ways:

     * 1024-bit key, 160-bit q, SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or
       SHA-512 hash

     * 2048-bit key, 224-bit q, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512

     * 2048-bit key, 256-bit q, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512 hash

     * 3072-bit key, 256-bit q, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512 hash

   The above key and q size pairs were chosen to best balance the
   strength of the key with the strength of the hash.  Implementations
   SHOULD use one of the above key and q size pairs when generating DSA
   keys.  If DSS compliance is desired, one of the specified SHA hashes
   must be used as well.  [FIPS186] is the ultimate authority on DSS,
   and should be consulted for all questions of DSS compliance.

which by your argument "shouldn't be in" OpenPGP.

We've got the same thing with Suite-B, only the fact that it's not just
a case of Suite-B being a restricted subset of OpenPGP ECC (as DSS is
of 4880), but that there's a conflict between the 4880 spec and Suite-B
(i.e. (at least) the issue of 3DES).