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Re: Better S2K functions for OpenPGP?

2009-12-09 18:12:35

On Dec 9, 2009, at 5:20 PM, Jon Callas wrote:

The PGP product calibrates the iteration count on the running machine to hit 
~1/10 second. I ran it on my laptop and got an iteration count of 1835008 
(coded count 172).

So to sum up -- why are you even debating about increasing the iteration 

It wasn't much of a debate.  Summarized, the debate was: "Hey, this s2k count 
is kind of small for modern processors".  "Yes, let's make it bigger".  The 
current plan is to borrow the 1/10 second metric from PGP, as a default.  Users 
can override it if they need to, but I doubt there will be very much need to 

I'm not in favor of adding a new s2k function, except *maybe* as a piece of a 
future v5 key format, which at least avoids some of the preferences and 
backwards compatibility issues.
