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Re: [openpgp] details of 4880bis work

2015-04-10 16:51:59
On Fri, 2015-04-10 at 12:38 +0100, Stephen Farrell wrote: 
a) update the fingerprint format (avoid inclusion of creation date
I wouldn't do that,... actually I think creating/expiration times (and
some other base properties) of a key should be immutable.

f) standardize the two new curves coming out of the CFRG: 25519 and
   curve448 ("goldilocks") for both signatures and encryption (Werner
   has already started this process for 25519 signatures)
I haven't followed CFRG the last weeks,... are the plans for anything
at/beyond the 512 level dead?

i) declare a literal data packet type "m" that means "MIME content" so
   that we can punt on the rest of the message
   structure/format/encoding/type craziness to MIME.
For what exactly do we need this? Maybe I just don't understand what you
plan, but we should try to be as independent from other layers as

l) change MTI algorithms: SHA512, the two new ECs, and the new AEAD
   mechanism should be the baseline.

Everything else seems good to me.


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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