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Re: [openpgp] Fingerprint schemes versus what to fingerprint

2016-04-07 12:51:07
On Apr 7, 2016, at 12:15 PM, Werner Koch <wk(_at_)gnupg(_dot_)org> wrote:
This is tricky: a further related question is how OpenPGP
implementations decide what “kind” of fingerprint to produce, or

That is easy: a v4 key creates a v4 fingerprint (SHA-1) and for the new
fingerprint we will requires a v5 key format.  We have a lot of
experience with that given that v3 keys used yet another fingerprint

Sounds reasonable; I didn’t know that was the precedent for PGP but given so it 
makes sense to stick to it.

And I’m coming around to agreeing with the KISS position that fingerprints 
should deterministically depend only on the raw key material.

But I’m still interested in hearing any discussion of the idea of designing the 
new fingerprint function so that users can (optionally) get some 
fingerprint-mining protection, as proposed in my other E-mail.


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