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Re: [openpgp] [FORGED] RE: Fingerprint schemes versus what to fingerprint

2016-04-11 14:22:01
Derek Atkins <derek(_at_)ihtfp(_dot_)com> writes:

Are you expecting this would work in a vacuum?  I.e., would you expect that
you can take your OpenPGP smart card to a fresh system on which you've never
used OpenPGP ever and be able to plug in that smart card and have it be able
to sign a document?

I'm not sure what OpenPGP cards have to do with this, since I'm talking about
PKCS #11.  I can use a PKCS #11 device with X.509, with S/MIME, with TLS, with
SSH, with IKE, and quite probably with a number of other, lesser-known
Internet security protocols.  The one significant one I can't use it with is

Is this a real use case?

Yes, see above.

It depends.  If I've got an X509 cert I can convert that to an OpenPGP cert,
and all the appropriate metadata is there.

You still can't use it with PKCS #11.

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