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Re: [openpgp] rfc4880bis and draft-openpgp-iana-registry-updates-01

2018-11-27 11:40:08
Hi Werner,

Apologies for the late response to this. I fully agree with your concluding 

I doubt that it is advisable to merge this into RFC-4880bis because this
is a request for one time action of the IANA.  

The IANA registries only require a one-time change, and perhaps one-time 
changes are best not mixed with 4880bis because 4880bis should (probably) be a 
long living document that helps people implement OpenPGP. Most of them should 
not be concerned with registry policy changes.

However a request to
change from IETF REVIEW to SPECIFICATION REQUIRED is an actual action we
like to see and that should go into a new RFCs.

The point is that there needs to be a place to:

1. Detail the registry policies and procedures for OpenPGP. These were 
previously in RFC 4880 (and currently in 4880bis).
2. Detail the changes to the OpenPGP IANA registries requested by 4880bis (such 
as the addition of the AEAD algorithm registry)
3. Detail the one-time changes to OpenPGP IANA registry (as given in 

I’d like to propose that we keep 4880bis straightforward to read for people who 
implement OpenPGP, rather than burdening them with IANA registration procedures 
and one-time changes to the registries.


a) A new document shall detail out all policies and procedures for the OpenPGP 
registries at IANA. This is easily done by extracting content of #1 and #2 to 
this new document, while keeping 4880bis about the protocol itself. This 
document will form a pair with 4880bis moving forward.
b) draft-openpgp-iana-registry-updates will handle the one-time changes (#3)


Kind regards,


Ronald Tse
Ribose Inc.

On Oct 24, 2018, at 12:34 AM, Werner Koch <wk(_at_)gnupg(_dot_)org> wrote:


The recently expired draft-openpgp-iana-registry-updates-01 specifies
one of the goals of the WG to make the assignment of new identifier etc
easier.  I am not sure whether this drafts can be integrated into
RFC-4880bis but the IANA Considerations section in RFC-4880bis needs
anyway a rework because the demanded registries are existent and only
need to list new items. 

I am not sure how to do this.  For example RFC-4880 reads

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 10.1.  New String-to-Key Specifier Types

  OpenPGP S2K specifiers contain a mechanism for new algorithms to turn
  a string into a key.  This specification creates a registry of S2K
  specifier types.  The registry includes the S2K type, the name of the
  S2K, and a reference to the defining specification.  The initial
  values for this registry can be found in Section 3.7.1.  Adding a new
  S2K specifier MUST be done through the IETF CONSENSUS method, as
  described in [RFC2434].
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

What I did until now was to replace RFC REVIEW (aka IETF CONSENSUS) by
SPECIFICATION REQUIRED and to reference RFC-8126.  See the gitlab
repo. The draft-openpgp-iana-registry-updates-01 has this text

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
 5.1.  PGP String-to-Key (S2K) Registry

  Proposed changes to the registry:

  o  Rename the registry to "OpenPGP String-to-Key (S2K) Algorithms"

  o  Change registry policy to *Specification Required*.

  o  Update its "Reference" to also refer to this document.

  o  A Standards Track document is required to register an S2K
     algorithm with the value "Yes" in any recommendation.

  Add the following note:

  Note: Experts are to verify that the proposed registration
  provides a publicly-available standard that can be implemented
  in an interoperable way, with notable benefits for the wider
  OpenPGP community.

  Update the following registrations:

  | ID      | S2K Type           | REC-S | REC-I | Reference          |
  | 0       | Simple S2K         | No    | Yes   | Section of |
  |         |                    |       |       | [RFC4880]          |
  | 1       | Salted S2K         | No    | Yes   | Section of |
  |         |                    |       |       | [RFC4880]          |
  | 2       | Reserved           |       |       | Section 3.7.1 of   |
  |         |                    |       |       | [RFC4880]          |
  | 3       | Iterated and       | Yes   | Yes   | Section of |
  |         | Salted S2K         |       |       | [RFC4880]          |
  | 4-99    | Unassigned         |       |       |                    |
  | 100-110 | Private or         |       |       | Section 3.7.1 of   |
  |         | Experimental Use   |       |       | [RFC4880]          |
  | 111-255 | Unassigned         |       |       |                    |
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

I doubt that it is advisable to merge this into RFC-4880bis because this
is a request for one time action of the IANA.  However a request to
change from IETF REVIEW to SPECIFICATION REQUIRED is an actual action we
like to see and that should go into a new RFCs.

Any hints on how to proceed?



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