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[openpgp] German BSI, PQC for OpenPGP in Thunderbird,

2021-06-24 08:52:33

I'd like to make you aware of a project call by the German BSI (a federal agency for IT security), which was brought to my attention.

I've posted some information on it on the Thunderbird planning mailing list, see the following thread, which has multiple messages from me:

In my understanding they intend to pay a contractor for a wide set of tasks to bring PQC to Thunderbird, including the work to standardize the use of PQC with OpenPGP, including implementations for RNP, Botan, GnuPG and libgcrypt.

It seems the BSI has already made a suggestion that they want to require the use of CRYSTALS-Kyber and -Dilithium.

Is that a reasonable choice?

Does it make sense to define a limitation to these methods at this point of time?


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