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Re: Modified Example Services Draft

2000-12-03 11:47:25
At 03:07 12/3/2000 +0000, Nick(_dot_)Taptiklis(_at_)gregory(_dot_)co(_dot_)nz 

How about disability-related services such as web-page color substitution
for the color-blind, and perhaps even html to streaming audio translation
for the blind?

It would probably make a little more sense to broaden the scope of that second one - it's useful to everyone of course (more preferable to receive an audio stream than the text on a smartphone, for example). (I guess the first one is of use to everyone where the designer has chosen color combinations that are unreadable :) )

Given that most visually impaired users would likely already have some screen reading technology, perhaps the scope of the html->audio might be more useful as text augmentation to aid the screen reader?