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OPES architecture for rule processing and service execution

2001-02-06 18:10:05
We've seen a good discussion on the "OPES ownership" thread concerning the
general OPES policy issues. While we continue on that, I would also like to
initiate a discussion on the inner working of OPES architecture for rule
processing and sevice execution. The attached document reflects some of my
current understanding. I realize that there are lots of issues and
alternative ways to do things, and I only wrote down what I've understood
and thought about after studying the OPES related drafts (on the framework
and the rule language spec). I tried my best to spell out some of the
important assumptions that I made -- it does not mean I take them for
granted though.

Some of the important things that I've seen in the previous thread like
downloading proxylets/rules within content path is new to me and hence not
covered in the doc.

 I think there are a lot for us to debate about.



Attachment: Lily.PDF
Description: Binary data

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