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RE: Chaining of Callout Servers

2002-07-24 08:57:57


might have more delays, more opportunity for broken connections


slight increase in most cases, due to more machines being available
for processing

Arent these two claims contradictory? In the sense that, if chaining callout 
servers is supposed to decrease reliability as you suggest (by providing more 
opportunities for broken connections and greater delay), then, shouldnt it also 
be LESS and not MORE fault tolerant. Chaining, implies that the callout servers 
are connected in series. Hence, rather than having "more machines for 
processing" being the cause for greater fault tolerance, as you suggest, 
doesn't it increase the number of locations where faults can occur and thus 
bring down the whole operation. So, IMHO, chaining decreases reliability as 
well as fault-tolerance.


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